Tuesday November 17, 2015

Making Hassan smile again…

Hassan, a little angel who was unable to smile due to his critical health condition, is now back to life and smiling again with glittering hopes of a bright future

Hassan, who is just 6 years old was diagnosed as a case of ventricular septal defect (VSD) shortly after birth and was advised for cardiac surgery. But due to insufficient resources his parents couldn’t afford his proper treatment. Gradually he also developed AR (aortic regurgitation), a complication of VSD that develops if  VSD left untreated. Day by day his condition became worse and according to his doctor, further delay in his surgery might had put him in a life threatening condition.

Hassan was getting sponsorship under Islamic Relief’s Orphans Sponsorship Programme since 2010. His health condition and special needs were communicated to Islamic Relief office and by the grace of Allah SWT, they agreed to support his treatment costs.

After receiving funds, the Child Care team at Pakistan office, acted promptly and assisted the family with the admission, surgery and follow up of child at a renowned hospital for treatment. the doctors came up with an estimate of PKR 450,000 and out of this amount PKR 325,000 were submitted to the hospital for surgery and hospital stay expenses and PKR 25,000 were given to her mother for purchasingmedicines advised right after surgery for Hassan.

Hassan underwent a successful surgery of VSD closure and aortic valvuloplasty. He is on follow-up plan of regular visits at interval of 1 month, 3 month and 6 months; in case of no complication. In each visit he has to go through a series of tests forevaluation of cardiac activity.

So far, one session of follow-up has been done. He is taking regular medicines and the remaining amount will be spent on his follow up treatment. His family is also well instructed and advised for his care and observation for signs of complications. Muhammad Hassan’s mother, Rasoolan Bibi  too has poor health conditions and works as a housemaid. She sees Islamic Relief as the divine help who saved her child’s life. All this has just been possible with the generous support of Islamic Relief Donors.

Alhamdulillah, Hassan is recovering and his mother and siblings are very happy.  And grateful to Islamic Relief and the respected donor. May Allah SWT reward the donor and ecery single person who contributed in making him smile, ameen.

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