Sunday May 2, 2021

Written by Jiblu Rahman

The last ten nights are the most sacred period of Ramadan. They offer us a chance to come close to Allah and insha’Allah – especially if we catch the blessed Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Power) – to feel the mercy of Allah (SWT) The Most Forgiving.

We therefore all want to make the most of these holy nights, so here’s ten top tips to a blessed, productive end to Ramadan!

1. Dedicate your time to dhikr

Offer lots of dhikr in remembrance of Allah (SWT) and reap the rewards! Here’s some of the ways you can reach out to Allah (SWT):

  • Allāhu Akbar (God is the Greatest)
  • SubānAllāh (Glory be to God)
  • Alamdulillāh (All praise is due to God)
  • Astaghfirullāh (I seek forgiveness from Allah)
  • Lā ilaha illAllāhu wadahoo lā sharikalahoo, lahul mulku wa lahul amdu wa Huwa ‘alaa hulli shai’in qadeer (There is no god but Allah, alone, without partners. He is the Sovereign and His the praise, and He has power over everything)
  • SubhānAllāhi wa biamdihi, SubhānAllāhi al-‘Aeem (Glory be to Allah, and Praise Him, Glory be to Allah, the Supreme)
  • Lā ilaha illā Anta, subānaka inni kuntu min al-ālimeen (There is no God but Allah, Glory be to You, verily I was one of the wrongdoers)

With these sacred words, you can draw closer to Allah (SWT) and feel the benefits, insha’Allah.

2. Limit digital distractions

Ramadan is a special time, so limit your use of social media, TV and phone phones. Once the last ten nights are gone, they’re gone for a whole year! So make the most of these blessed nights and put the TV remote and phone down (unless you’re reading the Qur’an of course!).

3. Give extra charity

Sadaqah – no matter how small – is such a blessing, so why not strive to offer extra charity over the last ten nights? You could donate money, feed the needy, commit to giving throughout the year or sponsor an orphan. No matter what it is, with a pure intention and kind heart, you’ll be able to help people in need and worship Allah (SWT) at the same time, subhanAllah!

4. Spend nights at the mosque(if possible)

If you really want to take time out, then why not spend your nights at your local mosque? Follow the principle of i’tikaaf and spend as many hours as possible at the mosque offering extra prayers and devoting yourself to worshipping Allah (SWT).

5. Seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT)

Allah (SWT) loves those who ask for forgiveness. If guilt and past sins are holding you back, then make a fresh start. Perhaps you’d like to give up a bad habit and would like to “wipe the slate clean”? Well this is the perfect time to seek forgiveness and make ‘istighfar for the love of Allah (SWT). Try this du’a – especially in the early hours of the morning: Allāhumma innaka ‘Afuwwun tuibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘annii (‘O Allah, You are The Forgiver, You love to forgive, so forgive me’).

6. Start a hajj/umrah fund

Good deeds start with good intentions, so why not get ahead for the rest of the year? Start a hajj/umrah fund and commit to taking this blessed journey during the most sacred time of the Islamic calendar!

7. Visit the sick and elderly

Fasting the month of Ramadan is challenging for the fittest and most youthful of us but what about the elderly and sick who are unable to fast and struggle with their health? Take some time out to visit an elderly neighbour or a poorly friend and give comfort to someone else in need. This is a great sunnah after all!

8. Share the gift of education

Ramadan was the period in which the Holy Qur’an was first revealed and many of us dedicate this month to reading the Holy Book. However, as well as ensuring that you’re reading as much as possible, why not share the blessings? Gift a Qur’an to a friend, family member or new member of your mosque and help them on their spiritual journey.

9. Care for Allah’s Creation

When we think of doing good deeds, we often think of our family, neighbours, friends and local community. In short: we focus on people. Yet how much time to we stop and think about Allah’s miraculous Creation? Give thanks to Allah (SWT) and show Him that you can be a trusted khalifa (guardian) of His Earth. Feed the animals in your garden (no bread please!), look after a friend’s pet or rescue a lonely cat – an animal much loved by Prophet Muhammad (SAW)! – from a local animal shelter.

10. Develop a yearly game-plan

Let Ramadan inspire you to make positive changes for the year ahead. Set yourself a challenge, create a Qur’an schedule, start a new charity project – whatever it is, let the positive energy of Ramadan push you to create even more blessed change, all for the love of Allah (SWT).

With these top ten tips, you can make not only the most of the last holy nights of Ramadan must the most of the year ahead insha’Allah. From everyone at Islamic Relief, Ramadan Mubarak!

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